Parkwood Outdoor Dolygaer Health & Safety
Parkwood Leisure operates leisure management contracts and support services of educational establishments on behalf of public authorities and private clients throughout the country.
The aim of our Safety Policy and subordinate arrangements is to eliminate hazards where possible and to maintain control of the safety risks to employees and to consider and take appropriate preventative measures to address the safety risks associated with customers who may use the premises.
This policy statement on health, safety and welfare, has been agreed by the Board of Directors. Copies of this Safety Policy will be made available to all employees on the Oracle and in all workplaces, alongside details of how our policies are to be implemented.
Safety of our staff and visitors remains Parkwood Leisure’s number one priority, and we are committed to involving workers in setting safety standards and consulting with them when standards change. We are committed to satisfying all applicable legal and other requirements as a minimum level of performance and improving safety performance each year. We aim to achieve these improvements through effective risk assessment and via implementing an effective hierarchy of control.
Meeting this Commitment
We will work to meet this commitment to assess risks and drive continual improvement by:
- Setting annual safety improvement targets for the business.
- Providing a safe, healthy working environment, with suitable welfare and first aid arrangements.
- Having a quarterly senior management level review of performance and attainment of targets.
- Identifying and assessing any and all risks to which people will be exposed and arranging and introducing specific measures to reduce these risks.
- Building, adopting, reviewing and continually improving a Occupational Health & Safety Management System of safe working practices, safety precautions and accident prevention procedures.
- Providing sufficient skilled supervision, relevant instructions and appropriate training to all levels, in both health and safety and job specific skills.
- Consulting with staff formally and informally through safety committees, risk assessments, and policy reviews.
- Encouraging staff to contribute their own ideas for new and improved safety procedures.
- Managers will ensure that the required standards of health, safety and welfare are being met.
- We will collect and analyse information on accidents, dangerous incidents and work related ill health. Any such incident will be investigated and the outcomes shared and used to prevent recurrence and improve practice.
This statement is supported by more detailed arrangements contained within the health and safety management manual, operating procedures, best practice guidance and other information, which as a whole, form our health and safety policy. These arrangements clarify everyone’s specific roles and responsibilities and how we expect work to be organised. We require organisations working for, or with us, to have in place suitable and sufficient health and safety procedures in accordance with the relevant statutory provisions.
This Health and Safety and work Policy will be regularly monitored and updated to take account of legislative and/or organisational changes. The Board of Directors will ensure the annual review of this policy results in amended targets for the improved management of safety.