Quick Details
ages 16+
£ 41.50
ages 8 - 15
£ 33.00
Design your own team building activitiy
Have you ever worried that you might end up washed up on a desert island somewhere and in need of an escape plan? Then we have just the activity for you! Design and make your own raft from big barrels, wooden spars and rope.
Once the raft is built, test your design on the water and see if you can navigate the course without losing any pieces of equipment. What could go wrong!
Raft building is a fantastic group activity that builds team cohesion and coordination, forcing you to work together to overcome problems.
Is it ok if you cannot swim? Yes, let your instructor know and they will give you some advice and equipment to keep you afloat.
A swim costume or underwear under the wetsuit, a pair of trainers with a good sole on and a pair of shorts to wear over the top of the wetsuit, if wetsuit is needed, or shorts and t-shirts are suitable for warm days